
The Burning Library is a mobile, pedestrian-oriented library created for the Burning Man festival in Nevada. The Burning Library is an experimental library exploring public space, perpetual circulation systems, user-generated collections and mobile library services.

How it Works

Throughout the year prior to Burning Man, we collect donations of items for the Burning Library. We then bring these items with us to Burning Man.

This year, we will be operating out of camp Torontosaurus in the vicinity of Homind and 3:00. With Camp Torontosaurus as our base, we will be operating a mobile library cart.

We don’t have a set schedule or open hours. To use the library, come find us as we amble through BRC, most likely on Hominid between 2:00 and 4:00. You can also track us down at Camp Torontosaurus (look for the giant T-Rex banner). We are also very excited about the Librarian Cocktail Party being hosted by Hushville – this would be a great place to meet up with us.

Anyone who finds us, or anyone we pounce upon, is invited to check out an item from the Burning Library. When you are done with the item, instead of returning it to us, you keep it until you identify someone else who might benefit from it.

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