Tag Archives: Jane Austen

FaceBook for Book Nerds!

Today, the Burning Library was thrilled to receive the first three donations of 2009.

Thanks to Jenn in Halifax, we are excited to add Douglas Coupland’s Miss Wyoming, DBC Pierre’s Ludmila’s Broken English, and Jane Austen’s Persuasion to the collection. You can follow the growing catalogue by checking out our LibraryThing account.

The Burning Library on LibraryThing

The Burning Library on LibraryThing

LibraryThing makes it easy to catalogue your library collection, and compare it to someone else’s. It’s a bit like Facebook for book nerds, with less advertising and more references to Tolkien. If you already have a LibraryThing account, add us as a friend! Our username is ‘burninglibrary’.

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Filed under Collections